A Year of New Beginnings [or a huge list of things I’m hoping for in 2012]

I have to admit, I’ve never been one for resolutions.  Mostly because I don’t keep them. I’ll resolve to be “super organized,” but busyness gets the best of me within a few weeks, and my system falls to the wayside. I’ll vow to “be on time for everything” but old habits creep in. I’ll commit to “keep the house spotless” but… well, now that’s just crazy talk. ;)

Anyone remember that episode of friends [called “The One With All the Resolutions”] where Monica makes fun of Rachel for never keeping any resolutions, like only writing in her diary on the January 1st? Yeah, that’s me. [do people even reference Friends anymore? because I totally do]

But I do love the results that come along with challenging myself to be a better daughter of the Father, better wife to my love, better mother to my littles, better keeper of my home. And I know that God can change me – sometimes it’s just my own self keeping Him from doing just that.

So this year, I’m not making resolutions.

But here are my goals, each with a hefty dose of grace built in, because I know that I will be far from perfect [and maybe some of these fall in the “I just really hope this happens” category]:

I’m taking part in the Hello Mornings challenge. I’m going to work hard to get up for my children, rather than get up to my children. This is not going to be easy for me – I’m not a morning person, and I still have a baby who is most definitely NOT sleeping through the night. But I’m hopeful for the peace this will bring to my days. [And today is the last day to sign up – you totally should]

I’m embarking on the Gentleness Challenge this month, armed with the knowledge that God’s grace is bigger than my sometimes short temper.

I’m going to sew. A lot. Maybe that’s a given… ;) And while it would be ridiculous to say I’m not going to buy new fabric [because that is crazy talk for REAL], I’m going to challenge myself to try to de-stash what I have and up cycle even more than I already do. And I have a stack of patterns books that are just begging to be used!

And oh the projects and lovely things I want to share here in this space!

I want to clean out my basement. Craigslist, be ready for me, because I’m going to do some serious purging.

I want my two-year-old to eat more than two vegetables. puh-lease.

I’m going to fine-tune my shop a little.  Since opening it, I’ve made some discoveries about what I love to make and sell. I’m so super excited about focusing on a few categories of items, rather than the hodgepodge it was at the beginning. Hopefully y’all will be just as super excited as I am. :)

I’m hoping my baby will take a bottle so hubs and I can [finally] go on a date. Or a lot of dates.

I want to be a homebody. Seriously. I have recently developed this incredible love for simply being in our home with my children [well, I do eventually reach a point of “get me out of here or I will lose my mind”]. I want to enjoy this winter just being.

I want to [sort of] meal plan.

I want to continue guiding my kiddos as they learn how to love learning. As we’ve been starting our homeschooling journey, I’ve been leaning toward the “unschooling” side of things. I really love it, actually. I don’t know that this is where we will stay, but it’s a lovely place to be right now. And since my littles are learning and growing at this jaw-dropping rate [at least to me], I’m feeling really good about it. [I’m pondering through this blog post and all the links she has, if you’re interested]

I need to do some yoga. I lost all my baby weight, but let’s just say things aren’t quite the same [ahem] shape anymore.

I want to spend time basking in the love of the Father. And I want my kids to see how much the Father loves them.

Hmm… quite a few goals, for someone who doesn’t make resolutions.

What goals, resolutions, commitments, or changes are you making this New Year?

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  1. I signed up for the Maximize Your Morning challenge too! I’ve been getting up at 6:30 the last few mornings and it’s been tough, but has made me more productive during the day. Now I just have to get Hudson to sleep past when I get up so I get a little more time to myself. Love your goals!

    1. yay! so glad you signed up too! i’m excited about it. i keep trying to start getting up early, but emmett’s been sleeping worse… boo. but i’m still going to do it anyway :)

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