Silo & Sage

Truth in the Tinsel: celebrating Advent with your kids

The weeks are getting away from me, and I last night realized that Christmas is in one month! Eek! Like every family, we have some traditions. I always try to give some handmade gifts (which you’ll be hearing a lot more about this week and next!), we visit family, we eat a big breakfast on Christmas plates, we decorate the tree together, we go to the Holiday Parade (except this year, because it was just too.darn.cold for the baby… okay, and the rest of us) and like many families, we do an Advent Calendar.

disclaimer: this post contains affiliate links, which means I get a small percentage of each purchase made though my blog. I wouldn’t recommend something that I didn’t believe in, though, and I absolutely love this ebook.

You can find the tutorial for the Advent Calendar here.

I really love Advent – a season of preparation. Preparing our hearts for the coming of the Savior King. There’s so much beauty in this! I am really excited to share it with my little loves again this year. You can use your Advent calendar in so many different ways, and we have chosen to do some super fun Advent craft activities that give my boys a Christ-centered Christmas season, which is really important to our family.


I’ve talked about Truth in the Tinsel for the past few years, and I really can’t say enough good things about it. This e-book, created by Amanda White, is filled with pre-planned activities and Scripture passages to guide you and your kiddos through the Advent season. It is so perfect for my craft-loving littles, and hello, pre-planned crafts? You know I need these in my life – especially at this busy time of the year.

Along with the full e-book, there’s a set of printable ornaments you can purchase – so you can use these on days you don’t have time to do a full craft. Smart, right? :)

How do you celebrate the Advent season?

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