Silo & Sage

that time of year again…

Oh, yes.  It’s time.

Time for the Kids Clothing Week Challenge!

Each fall and spring, Meg from the elsie marley blog hosts a Kids’ Clothing Week Challenge.  The challenge is to spend one hour a day [for the whole week] sewing for your kids.  It’s been a great motivator for me to get some things checked off my to-do list.  And it’s so encouraging to know that there are hundreds of other people doing the same thing.

Here are some of my previous KCWC projects:

Upcycled PJ pants

IKEA striped pants

Upcycled Lined SweatshirtUpcycled Flat-front Plaid Shorts

Lots of upcycled goodness… :)  This year I have some super fun fabric that I’m hoping to break out, as well as some more upcycled fabulousness.  On my to-sew list are pants for all the boys, maybe some shirts, and a sweatshirt for my oldest if I’m ambitious … or if the littles cooperate and let me do it all.  But as things go with littles, we’ll see how much I actually get done.

Are you joining in this year??  What’s on your to-sew list?

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