On Motherhood

This afternoon, a dear friend stopped by my house for a visit. We chatted about her upcoming wedding plans, and I shared some things that have been going on with my kiddos.

At one point, I said, “This parenting gig… it’s hard. Really good, but hard.”

She responded, “Most things that are worthwhile usually are.”

Oh isn’t that the truth.

I love being a mama. Everything inside of me loves it. Even when I hate it, I still love it. But being a mama means so much more than just changing diapers and feeding babies. There’s the worry, the guilt, the doubts.

And always the wondering… Did I make the right decision? Should I have taken the paci away when I did? Should I give it back? Is it okay to let him cry? Should I take him to the doctor? Can I let him play outside by himself? Am I giving each of them enough attention? Are they independent enough? Is that normal??

The last few weeks have been tiring. Between illness and dealing with some other parenting challenges, I haven’t done anything I thought I would do. The house? A constant mess. The sewing projects? Abandoned. The blog posts? Postponed. The playdates? Cancelled. The laundry pile? Ever growing.

And this mama? Exhausted.

Truly, being a parent is so.darn.hard sometimes. Maybe more often than not. But even in the midst of the hard times, when I’m not sure what to do and feel like I’m just sifting through the mess, surviving on caffeine and chocolate, I can do nothing else but lean into the arms of a Father who never tires. He knows how hard it is. He wants to carry me through it.

So I’m going to let Him.

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  1. so good! this post reminds me of the verse: “He tends his flock like a shepherd: He gathers the lambs in his arms and carries them close to his heart; HE GENTLY LEADS THOSE THAT HAVE YOUNG.” Isaiah 40:11
    You’re right – He is with you, and He is carrying you (all of us mommies) through this difficult season of having little ones. You’re doing a GREAT job!! lora

    1. oh thank you for that, Lora! the Lord has really blessed you with the ability to share His Word in just the right moment. bless you :)

  2. Amen! Thank you for posting this… I needed to be reminded to let my Heavenly Father carry me through the tough times… and even the not-so-tough times. What a mighty God we serve! :)

  3. Jess, that was beautiful. fall into the arms of Christ is the best choice we can make.

  4. Hey Jess,
    Wow. Well said! I recently became a full time stay at home mom and never really gave those before me enough credit. Your words strike a chord in my heart and even gives me a little peace. Thanks!

    1. Thanks, Teresa! I’m so glad my few words could help you. Your kids are so blessed to have you as their mama. It’s definitely a hard job, but I wouldn’t change it for anything. Bless you, mama :)

  5. You have a gift for saying it straight and keeping it real, Jess. You have described mommyhood to a tee. :) I am so glad that I can lean into Him and that He is faithful to cover efforts (or lack of:) with grace. I thank God every time I think of what a godly wife and mama you are. You bless hearts, including mine. Love you.

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