
Family Road Trip Activities and Tips

Family Road Trip Activities and Tips

Traveling with kids can be a lot of fun – as long as you can keep them entertained! We prefer not to use screens for short trips, so sometimes we have to be creative coming up with screen…

Winter Books for Kids
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Winter Books for Kids

One of my favorite things about the changing of seasons is the books! I store seasonal books separately from the rest of our books, so it’s always so fun to pull out the new (old) books as the…

Naturally Dyed Homemade Playdough
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Naturally Dyed Homemade Playdough

I’ve been making homemade playdough for years, but in the last few years, I’ve been experimenting with different ways to make naturally dyed homeamde playdough. This simple playdough recipe is quick and easy, and you’re likely to have…

Nature Scavenger Hunt Printable
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Nature Scavenger Hunt Printable

Now that it’s warming up here in Wisconsin, my kiddos and I are enjoying all the wildlife and plants that are popping up around us! I made a couple nature scavenger hunt printable pages for us to do…

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Five Tips for Sewing with Young Kids Underfoot

I’ve been in a season of slow, simple sewing. Have you been in a season like this? I’m a homeschool mama with five young kids, including a toddler whose favorite pastime is coloring on the walls and climbing…

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Hiking With Kids: How to get started and what to bring!

One of our family’s favorite things to do together is go hiking! It’s something we’ve done together long before we had kids, and it’s been such a consistent part of our family’s routine that our kiddos have grown…

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FREE Summer Breezy Shorts Pattern for Boys!

For many of you, summer is starting to wind down. Here in Wisconsin, though, this is the time of year that keeps us going all winter long. So we are living it up outside as much as we…

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Planning a Family Vacation Without Losing Your Mind (plus FREE packing list printable!)

                                      Summer is here! Schools are letting out and everyone starts thinking about pool days, park time, and family vacations!…

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Peanut Butter (and Jelly!) Granola Bars

  If you’ve ever had a picky eater in your household, you know the angst of trying to get them to branch out. Our picky eater would eat the same meal for lunch and dinner if we…