Essential Oils

Prepare, Don’t Panic: natural remedies to keep your family healthy naturally (Part 2)

Prepare, Don’t Panic: natural remedies to keep your family healthy naturally (Part 2)

Consistent daily habits are important to keeping your family healthy naturally, but inevitably someone in your family will fall under the weather! There’s nothing worse than having to run out in the middle of the night to get…

Prepare, Don’t Panic: daily habits to keep your family healthy (Part 1)
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Prepare, Don’t Panic: daily habits to keep your family healthy (Part 1)

In the past year and a half, everyone has had one thing on their minds: how can I keep my family healthy? For me, it’s important to not just keep my family healthy, but to do it naturally….

6 Ways to Boost your Mood Naturally
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6 Ways to Boost your Mood Naturally

It’s been a doozy of a winter up here in Wisconsin, and I’m. Over. It. But whether it’s the never-ending winter, life circumstances, or potty training toddlers, sometimes your spirits just need lifting! So today I’m sharing six…

DIY All Natural Perfumes
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DIY All Natural Perfumes

I used to wear a lot of perfume, but since ditching so many toxic chemicals from our home, I have started making my own! It’s so simple to DIY all natural perfumes and customize them. These make GREAT…

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A Journey of Wellness

Last week, I took the boys to the pediatrician for a well check. The doctor came in and commented that it had been such a long time since she’d seen us. I told her we are generally pretty…

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Essential Oil Travel Case Tutorial

I’m an essential oil girl. I love having a natural alternative for taking charge of my family’s health. But when I leave the house, I throw them in my purse, and they just end up rolling around at the…